Amulet-a piece of currency on the opportunity is made for you or you can buy it. These elements are sources of positive energy, and help to get out of the negative black and energy.

What is the amulet of luck
With the reverse may also meet with any person, but if trouble loomed on all sides, debts, troubles in his personal life does not cease, and no effort do not help, it is worth thinking about. This occurs because of serious problems with the energy field, and the negativity gradually destroys your life. This kind of situation can help out the mascot on the chance. It attracts to the person of money, the chance returns to the man, and all businesses become successful.
For each person in the home is a very significant place, here everyone wants to get a little comfort and support. The home is a home, and in this place, everyone wants to do it, and feel comfortable and relaxed. A magical amulet attracts in a house of strength, power, wealth, happiness, and love. In a place where all family members feel "comfortable", because in the house there was joy and understanding.
The owner of the amulet can count on luck in the career. In effect, the mascot attracts the luck and the money and build a successful career is not possible. Such a thing is simply necessary for everyone.
How to make amulet of luck and money
An amulet in the shape of a coin is a talisman, attracting good luck and wealth. The creation of these talismans is not easy, especially with his hands. The power of the amulet is dependent on the energy put in him as the creator. It is also important, provided that the manufacturer-knowing and strong on the energy plan. The strongest creators of amulets are the monks.
The amulet is created and linked to the name of a certain person. It is made from coins. It is believed that the metal has the following properties:
- transmits the energy of its owner;
- "is" the owner of add revenue;
- save money;
- gives the luck and the well-being of all.
Amulets have always been a great value, often passed down from generation to generation. And this energy, which raises the years, has had an enormous power and strength. All of these forces of the amulet passed on to its owner. To this day, amulets, all is not lost its importance. Only for the amulet is not suitable, a piece of currency that has the symbolism and emblem of a country, and that is suitable for this will be the room, or any other old coin. They have a great energy.
Imperial amulet
It should be noted imperial of the amulet. He made a monk Troitsko-Sergievsky Laurels especially for the young emperor Pierre ier. The basis for the mascot became a piece of imperial currency. The emperors of the Romanov dynasty wore their medallions imperial amulets. These amulets have a very large force.

Its properties:
- coin - the amulet collects the positive energy and cash flow, which is passed close to the man;
- the owner of the amulet and the members of his family have always good luck;
- attracts luck in career and personal relationships;
- you turn the large cash flows;
- you need never be without money;
- you will receive a refund of debts, even those you do not expect;
- the man will always be the well-being, regardless of the financial situation.
How to make a talisman of his own hands
Make an amulet or a talisman, you can personally, To do this, it is necessary to observe some specific rules.
- For magical crafts ideal of an ancient coin. Preferably with a great story.
- Choose the right day for the manufacture of a talisman. Cash from the amulet need to do that in the environment. The amulet quick career to do in the Sunday – Sun's day.
- In the time to create calm and tranquility. Turn on soft music, light the candles. Think this magic power in which you want to provide the subject.
- In the night of the full moon, put the amulet on the piece of red cloth on the ledge of the window. It must penetrate the light of the moon. And all his soul ask a Supreme being (God) of what you want.
- Then wrap the mascot of the fabric and put it on the night under the pillow. Is there a need for a better cohesion of your energy with the energy of the amulet.
- Do not boast and do not speak talisman to strangers. Be it your personal the secret of the fortune.
It is IMPORTANT! Using coins – the amulet involved the chance and the money. The force of the coin – the amulet can protect the owner and attract positive energy. For that to occur, under the mascot it is necessary to believe. Without faith, it will not work.
How to behave with themselves:
- keep it clean and in order;
- do not give an amulet and hide from prying eyes;
- do not give in the hands of other people;
- do not give, it can pass by inheritance;
- treat it with care and respect;
- don't forget to "communicate" with the mascot and to recharge its energy.
If you remember these simple tips, amulet will have a beneficial effect on your life, it will bring you luck, you will be successful in business, you will be attracted to all the new sources of income. And make sure that you can very quickly.
Believe in the magical power of the mascot. It will help you achieve you want to earn online. The amulet of the luck must get rid of difficulties, with it, all your affairs will be successful, and you will be drawn to the well-being.